Personal Notes on Qos on Cisco 2960

I wanted to see what happens when you configure egress Qos with SRR. To accomplish this, I create a policy-map which set the DSCP 40 for WWW traffic.

ip access-list extended ACL_HTTP
 permit tcp any any eq www
class-map match-all CM_HTTP
 match access-group name ACL_HTTP
policy-map PM_QOS
 class CM_HTTP
 set dscp cs5
interface FastEthernet0/1
 description laptop
 mls qos trust device cisco-phone
 service-policy input PM_QOS

I got a PC and Laptop connected via a Cisco 2960. On the PC I run iperf.exe on the default port and on port 80. On the laptop I have also 2 client iperf running.

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