When are you Happy ?
“You can’t buy happiness”
a lot of people said. Some science article prove otherwise. Personally I think when you got a little bit more money, you will be happier for a short period of time. For small items you can always safe. Like on this picture! It was sunny. I had some wine, nuts, bread and my hiking shoes. At that time I was very happy and I could enjoy everyting of it. This doesn’t mean I don’t want to win the lottery. 😉 Just give me tons of money and I will write a post if I was happy with it or not. 🙂

“As long as I am healthy, I am happy.”
When people are saying this, I am hurt ! For about 10 years right now I am Diabetic and for the last 4 years I am having a pump to control it. It’s a chronicle illness that never can be treated. Does this mean I can’t be happy for the rest of my life ? My insurance is sky high, because of my illness, but I live healthy. Try to exercise a lot and my blood values are sometimes better then a “normal” person. So even if you ain’t healthy, but you can live with you illness, you still can be happy and achieve goals !

“Family is the most important thing.”
A human is a social living being who needs people around them. Family can be a very warming environment. Unfortunately sometimes there are struggle in every family. It can come and go. Embrace the good feelings and let go when there is negativity in your environment. This advice is not only for family or friend, but is general a good rule. Don’t stick with “familiy” if it’s a negative family. Just surround you with happy people. That makes you also happy !
Each person can relax in different way and don’t fool yourself ! Watching Television isn’t relaxing. That is just escaping from the real world. I did Yoga for a year but it didn’t suite me. Watching fire is so relaxing for me, but also walking in a forest or at the shoreline of the sea. Just clear your mind. Try to think about nothing. If you get some thoughts, just let them be. Accept the thoughts and let them be. Don’t worry about the thoughts
Set Goals
It’s important to have (realistic) goals in life. Of course you can dream sometimes, but to have a good state of mind, be sure to have something in mind that you can accomplish within 5 years or so. A goal can be an achievement, carrier or things you want to do. Living to a goal and practice for it, gives you already enough energy to go on and on.

Bucket list
What’s the difference between goals and a bucket list ? A bucket list is something you can easily do in a short period of time. Goals are for the longer term. When you have a list with all kind of things you want to do, write them down and do it ! Think about Skydiving, flying a plane, hike in a foreign forest etc. Let you imagination go and try to do everything within one year ! Sometimes thing to do can be expensive and search the internet for discount, actions or alternatives which you like.
Smile !
Just smile to strangers, colleagues, friends, dogs, cats etc. You will receive smiles back and that will make you happy. It’s so easy to do and gives a lot of joy to you and others

Music can bring you in another state of mind. Choose your music carefully, because you don’t want to be in a negative spiral. Sad song can give you strength and they can bring you down. Personally I listen to hardrock. That’s music I discovered during my teenage years and even aggressive rock can relax my mind.
Offspring :
Ahhhhh, it’s time to relax,
And you know what that means,
A glass of wine, your favourite easy chair,
And of course this compact disc playing and your home stereo.
So go on, indulge yourself,
That’s right, kick off your shoes, put your feet up,
Lean back and just enjoy the melodies.
After all, music soothes even the savage beasts.