Verify the CUCM DB Replication

So you got a Publisher and a Subscriber. And how do you know that they are on the same page ? Is the DB Replication working correctly ?

To verify the DB Replication status you can use :

  • Real Time Monitoring Tool
  • CLI
  • System Reports.


Everything was running fine until the Sub died.

No CUCM DB Replication



And here there is no Sub running :



System Reports :

Here is the result when the Sub is running, but the CUCM services are down.

Replication Error No Sub

This is the result you want to see when every server is up and running.


This is all nice and how do I know what kind of Replication State is needed for a good working CUCM ?


As long as you see 2, everything is up and running like it should be.


And how to restart the DB Replication when things are failing on a server :

CLI Commands :



More information :

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