Solving Persperctive Distortion… And what is it?

When I was creating video’s with the Lightboard of some other normal video’s, somebody noticed something strange. It was a distortion of my hand in the video. After a half a day googling about it, here is what I found: What is perspective distortion? When we see object, on our mind they are in perspective. … Read more

Add extra partition to Cisco VSOM 7.7 after installation

The installation of Video Surveillance Operations Manager (VSOM) is very easy. You can use the OVF for VMWare.

How are you gonna add some extra harddisk space when you need it ? You can resize the VM Harddisk but it my case it gave the error :


So I added just an extra Harddisk in VMWare. Now you will have to login at the console of the VSOM (or SSH to it) with the localadmin account.

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Cisco 3520 Static IP GUI Problem

When I wanted to change the ip address of the Cisco 3520 camera I did get : With chrome, safari, firefox and IE I saw the same. How can I put a static ip address in the gui for the camera ? After some tries I could use : https://<IP OF CAMERA>/ipaddressing.cs?version=1.0&sessionID=<SESSION ID>&action=set&ipVersion=1&addressingType=2&ipAddress=<NEW IP ADDRESS>&subnetMask=<Default … Read more