Training : Are you the New Hyper Converged Admin ?

Sorry for all the non-dutch people, but the training is only in dutch. Op 28 mei, 18 juli en 12 september 2018 geven we een training voor de nieuwe hyper-converged admins. Door de huidige technologie verdwijnt de lijnen tussen de verschillende technologieen. Om de admin van de toekomst te zijn, moet je bepaalde diepgang hebben op … Read more

Running on Heartrate, not on Speed ?

Right now I am running for about one year which isn’t long yet. So I don’t have a lot of experience. The only experience I got is how my body reacts with running. Sometimes it’s difficult for me, because of my diabetes. I like to put all experience of others together and try to experiment … Read more

Cisco Routers / GNS3

Sometimes you want to test things, just to make sure you understand it, before you implement it in real life. But what if you don’t have access to routers. Some years ago I was running dynamips and now ther is GNS3. Much easier to install. Well, I got GNS3 running on my laptop, so that … Read more