Simplivity OmniStack installation

We got a demo unit of Simplivity and some documentation, but unfortunally that documentation isn’t very clear. Maybe the docs at the site are good, but I don’t have access to that. After some time spending with support I created this article just for my own knowledge.

Here are the requirements before doing the steps below :

  • vCenter Simplivity Plugin should be installed
  • Create network for NFS share and Federation
  • Simplivity Arbiter must be installed.
  • Passthrough the Raidcontroller and the Simplivity acceleration card.

Now you can install the Simplivity OVA :

Installation OVA


Make sure the name of the Image is : SimpliVity-xxxx where xxxx are random numbers.

ova Installation

Thin provisioned should be choosen.

Screen Shot 2015-12-10 at 16.06.04

Don’t start the image.

Copy the vCubeOVA directory to the local datastore of the  box.


Just go to the vCenter plugin and deploy the image :

vcenter plugin

Make sure you fill in the right things :

Simplivity Network

Some checks are being made before it will deploy it.

Screen Shot 2015-12-10 at 16.22.50

Now it’s gonne deploy the image.

Screen Shot 2015-12-10 at 16.26.36

It takes a few minutes :

Simplivity installation


And when it’s running with some images on it, you’ll see something like this : Simplivity Working


When you do some testing with a random file you get this result :

Simplivity Random File

More information can be found here.

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