Ubuntu Automated Installation (For K8S)

Because I am doing a lot of testing it can be rewarding to do a complete re-installation of a Kubernetes cluster. As a result the only thing I disliked was the manual process of the Ubuntu installation.Here is a procedure to automate a complete Ubuntu installation and customize it. Requirements Before you can start, make … Read more

Howto use Hyperflex Rest Explorer. (With VIDEO)

API’s are hot ! You can automate almost anything you like. If you want to automate Hyperflex you can use UCS Director (See this blog) or you can write something yourself. There is a page at the Hyperflex cluster with a rest explorer build in. Not only the schema, or requests, but also the output … Read more

Start Relaxing and let HX Profiler and Sizer do the Trick !

Do you have a hard time to discover your workload ? What are you running and what resources does it need from your VMWare environment. Stop counting manually ! Use Hyperflex Profiler and Sizer tool. Of course you can have a look at my HX Sizing tool or the official Cisco Hyper Sizer for Partners. … Read more

Keep on dreaming…

I have a dream…. Which manager wasn’t dreaming about your IT sitting on a beach and the Data center would be completed automated without any human errors ? I believe this is the future. But aren’t we saying this for about 25 years right now. Each year, month, week, day there are innovations that makes our … Read more

Top 5 : Why Cisco UCS Rack Server ?

Cisco UCS Rack servers are more than pizzaboxes ! The most common servers do have the same CPU (intel), common memory and common HDD or SDD. So why would you choose for Cisco UCS Rack servers ? Here are 5 reasons : 5: Automation Ofcourse you can configure the whole rack server manually, but why … Read more

Syncing UCS Director

UCS Director It’s an automation tool. Not only for Cisco UCS servers, but also for networking, hypervisors and storage. Today I wanted to automate our FlashStack which contains storage of PureStorage with the UCS Director. When configuring UCS Director, I noticed I had to create a WWNN pool at the UCS Manager. After configuring, the UCS … Read more