10 steps to become CCIE Certified

If I can do it, everybody can do it ! Step 1 : Get information Do you have a dream that you want to become CCIE Certified ? You’re at the right address to start here. Before you even start thinking about the written and lab, first you have to get information. Maybe you already … Read more

SIP & SCCP Phone flow CUCM

Here are some flows of a SIP & SCCP phone call. My purpose was to see is it really only digit-by-digit dialing even when the phone is on hook.


on-hook dialing : EnBloc

off-hook dialing : Digit by Digit


type B on-hook dialing no dial-rules : EnBloc

type B off-hook dialing no dial-rules : Digit by Digit with KPML event

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Callmanager Express CME Translation rules

Currently I am studying for the CCIE Collaboration written to re-certify my CCIE. It was a long time since I worked with the translation rules, so here’s some nice stuff with a load of rules. Basic cme translation rules : /123/ /456/ = replace 123 with 456 ^ = begins with $ = end of … Read more