Testing Cisco Hyperflex Auto Healing

Let’s break the Hyperflex system ! In the lab there is a 5 node Hyperflex cluster up and running. Everything is healthy and the system is almost for 60% filled, so that is closer to a real test then a lab test. There are several ways to break the cluster and I choose the easiest … Read more

Storage is Dead! Long live Storage.

We all need storage and we need a lot!

Back in the early days I started with WordPerfect 4.0 (1984). If you typed “Hello World!” it was about 80 bytes. If you now a days type “Hello World!” in Word 2016, it’s 12 Kb. This seems not much, but there is way more overhead in the file then 20+ years ago.

Files are getting bigger and bigger, 4K video is around the corner and we want to have data of every device we connect to the internet. Loads of Storage is also used for the visualized servers.
SAN, NAS are “old” technologies which a lot of companies are using for ages. Sometimes it can be complicated and that’s why there are “Storage Experts“.

Converged Infrastructure was the first step into a new direction. Compute, Network, Storage and hyper-visors have good adhesion between the vendors and most of the time it’s automated.

Hyper-convergence is not only a buzz-word since last year, it’s growing.

Here are 5 reasons to choose for a Hyper Converged Infrastructure :

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FlexPod is here for 5 years now and is it dead ?

UCP, vSpex, VersaStack, OmniStack, FlashStack and the list is going on and on. So manyFlexPod Converged Infrastructures and/or hyper-converged solutions. All based with Cisco Networking and Cisco UCS. But what about FlexPod ? It’s here for 5 years right now and is it still up to date and relevant? What are the key differentiators for the customer to still have a closer look at this solution ?

FlexPod is alive and kicking !

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