Personal Notes on Qos on Cisco 2960

I wanted to see what happens when you configure egress Qos with SRR. To accomplish this, I create a policy-map which set the DSCP 40 for WWW traffic.

ip access-list extended ACL_HTTP
 permit tcp any any eq www
class-map match-all CM_HTTP
 match access-group name ACL_HTTP
policy-map PM_QOS
 class CM_HTTP
 set dscp cs5
interface FastEthernet0/1
 description laptop
 mls qos trust device cisco-phone
 service-policy input PM_QOS

I got a PC and Laptop connected via a Cisco 2960. On the PC I run iperf.exe on the default port and on port 80. On the laptop I have also 2 client iperf running.

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Add extra partition to Cisco VSOM 7.7 after installation

The installation of Video Surveillance Operations Manager (VSOM) is very easy. You can use the OVF for VMWare.

How are you gonna add some extra harddisk space when you need it ? You can resize the VM Harddisk but it my case it gave the error :


So I added just an extra Harddisk in VMWare. Now you will have to login at the console of the VSOM (or SSH to it) with the localadmin account.

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Storage is Dead! Long live Storage.

We all need storage and we need a lot!

Back in the early days I started with WordPerfect 4.0 (1984). If you typed “Hello World!” it was about 80 bytes. If you now a days type “Hello World!” in Word 2016, it’s 12 Kb. This seems not much, but there is way more overhead in the file then 20+ years ago.

Files are getting bigger and bigger, 4K video is around the corner and we want to have data of every device we connect to the internet. Loads of Storage is also used for the visualized servers.
SAN, NAS are “old” technologies which a lot of companies are using for ages. Sometimes it can be complicated and that’s why there are “Storage Experts“.

Converged Infrastructure was the first step into a new direction. Compute, Network, Storage and hyper-visors have good adhesion between the vendors and most of the time it’s automated.

Hyper-convergence is not only a buzz-word since last year, it’s growing.

Here are 5 reasons to choose for a Hyper Converged Infrastructure :

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Cisco VSM 7.x default password

Sometime you know the default passwords and sometimes you don’t…. This time I forget it and I had to read the manual… Yuk! 🙂 VSMC : localadmin / secur4u VSOM : admin / admin After the first time you login at the system, the system will ask you to change the password.

Howto Build Your Own Hyper-converged server with FreeNas in 7 steps!

Hyper-converged systems are hot, but what is it ?

In short : It’s a server where you run VMWare vsphere and you’re using local storage for your NAS/SAN with some better functions than the standard local datastores of VMWare got.

Is it possible to create one for home/SMB purpose ? Well.. I saw the page FreeNas on VMWare ESXi 6.0 and I thought ; Let’s give it a try.

What do you need :

  • a x86 server with lots of memory (for deduplication)
  • Some harddisks.
  • Bootable USD/SDCard
  • Two raid controllers ! One for the disks you want to put in FreeNas. One other harddisk (non-usb or sdcard) for a local datastore for the FreeNas image.
  • VMWare vsphere software
  • FreeNas software.

Howto start :

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Cisco 3520 Static IP GUI Problem

When I wanted to change the ip address of the Cisco 3520 camera I did get : With chrome, safari, firefox and IE I saw the same. How can I put a static ip address in the gui for the camera ? After some tries I could use : https://<IP OF CAMERA>/ipaddressing.cs?version=1.0&sessionID=<SESSION ID>&action=set&ipVersion=1&addressingType=2&ipAddress=<NEW IP ADDRESS>&subnetMask=<Default … Read more