Hiking Rim to Rim (Grand Canyon)

Hiking with diabetes Who am I ? For a several years I got diabetes and the last 4 years I even got a insulin pump. Hiking is something I really learned in the neighborhood of Las Vegas, NV. I started with small hikes and in august 2016 I hiked the Grand Canyon from the North … Read more

Isoglucose production quota.

No more production quota for isoglucose in Europe ! Yesterday I heard on the radio that Europe won’t have any quota anymore for isoglucose. Because I do have diabetes, I know a lot regarding sugars, but I had never heard of isoglucose. After googling it, I noticed it’s just High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). Something … Read more

Patatje Amerikaanse Stijl ?

Ondanks dat ik diabetes heb, wil ik ook wel eens lekker apart eten. Een patatje Amerikaanse stijl !  Hieronder het recept van : Friet, Kaas & Bacon. Bacon is moeilijk te vinden in de supermarkt en ontbijtspek gaat redelijk ondanks dat het soms te dun gesneden is. Deze even lekker bakken. Kaassaus is eigenlijk hetgeen … Read more