Isoglucose production quota.

No more production quota for isoglucose in Europe ! Yesterday I heard on the radio that Europe won’t have any quota anymore for isoglucose. Because I do have diabetes, I know a lot regarding sugars, but I had never heard of isoglucose. After googling it, I noticed it’s just High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). Something … Read more

Reset passsword UCS Fabric Interconnect

Password Reset This time I didn’t forget a password. I just got a Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect without any credentials. Here is the procedure to reset it : Connect the console and power on the Fabric Interconnect A. Make sure the Fabric Interconnect B is powered off ! Keep pressing CTRL-l for the loader prompt … Read more

Washing is expensive. Cut the cost !

Costs of washing clothes There are a lot of parameters and for each person they are different. The first question is : Can we calculate what the costs are of washing our clothes ? Buying the washer and dryer. Calculating the investments of a new washing machine and dryer is very complicated. What brand are … Read more

No access to do dCloud?

Why dCloud ? Is there anything nicer to see and feel a product ? Cisco got where a lot of labs are provided for Cisco employees and partners. Collaboration, Security, Data Center, integration with 3rd party’s. Feel how easy it is to do a Hyperflex installation. With a remote desktop you have access to … Read more

Syncing UCS Director

UCS Director It’s an automation tool. Not only for Cisco UCS servers, but also for networking, hypervisors and storage. Today I wanted to automate our FlashStack which contains storage of PureStorage with the UCS Director. When configuring UCS Director, I noticed I had to create a WWNN pool at the UCS Manager. After configuring, the UCS … Read more

Howto become a Cisco CCSI ?

I am CCSI #35056

When you got a Cisco CCSI number, you are an official Cisco Certified Systems Instructor. Several years ago I passed my CCSI exam and now I am CCSI #35056. I know the journey howto become a CCSI. The big question is, how do you get there ? During my 2 days of presenting and doing the lab, there was one attendee that failed on both topics ! Don’t think it’s easy. In the Netherlands there are about the same amount of CCIE  as CCSI persons. There is a reason that the CCSI isn’t way higher then the amount of CCIE’ers.


First of all you will have to pass CCNA. In the early days the instructors did have to pass at a higher rate. Nowadays passing is enough. This is the easy part. Now comes the challenge if you’re not working for a learning partner.

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Recept : Pommes Duchesses uit een boekje

Recept Pommes Duchesses Af en toe is het leuk om gewoon een recept te proberen dat in een boekje van de supermarkt staat. Mocht het dan aanslaan, dan bewaren we heel even het recept totdat ik het zelf uit mijn hoofd weet. Schil 500 gram zoete aardappels en kook deze tesamen met teentjes knoflook ongeveer … Read more

It’s Time To Be Happy And Howto do it ?

When are you Happy ?

“You can’t buy happiness”

a lot of people said. Some science article prove otherwise. Personally I think when you got a little bit more money, you will be happier for a short period of time. For small items you can always safe. Like on this picture! It was sunny. I had some wine, nuts, bread and my hiking shoes. At that time I was very happy and I could enjoy everyting of it. This doesn’t mean I don’t want to win the lottery. 😉 Just give me tons of money and I will write a post if I was happy with it or not. 🙂

Items that can make you Happy
Items that can make you Happy

“As long as I am healthy, I am happy.”

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Backup Raspberry Pi

Why Raspberry Pi ?

About a year ago I received an Raspberry Pi model 2b to learn programming. It’s a small “computer” with a lot of interfaces. Not only network, usb and also GPIO etc.

But instead I used the Raspberry Pi to track my solar panels with MRTG and I created a script that disabled my Access Points when nobody was at home. (To save energy. Why have your AP up and running when nobody is using it ?)

My Raspberry Pi Mode 2b
My Raspberry Pi Mode 2b

Samba server.

Because there were 4 USB connections at the RP, I connected my smart meter and an external HDD. The setup of a Samba server is very easy. A good link is : Samba-Deploying

But….. the network connection on the model 2b is only 100/10 mbit.. This is slooooowwwww !!! So I bought an 1000 mbit USB ethernet cable for Euro 1.83. Of course I can’t get the full 1000 mbit, but at least its fast !


Backup your Raspberry Pi

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