Reset passsword UCS Fabric Interconnect

Password Reset This time I didn’t forget a password. I just got a Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect without any credentials. Here is the procedure to reset it : Connect the console and power on the Fabric Interconnect A. Make sure the Fabric Interconnect B is powered off ! Keep pressing CTRL-l for the loader prompt … Read more

No access to do dCloud?

Why dCloud ? Is there anything nicer to see and feel a product ? Cisco got where a lot of labs are provided for Cisco employees and partners. Collaboration, Security, Data Center, integration with 3rd party’s. Feel how easy it is to do a Hyperflex installation. With a remote desktop you have access to … Read more

Syncing UCS Director

UCS Director It’s an automation tool. Not only for Cisco UCS servers, but also for networking, hypervisors and storage. Today I wanted to automate our FlashStack which contains storage of PureStorage with the UCS Director. When configuring UCS Director, I noticed I had to create a WWNN pool at the UCS Manager. After configuring, the UCS … Read more

Howto become a Cisco CCSI ?

I am CCSI #35056

When you got a Cisco CCSI number, you are an official Cisco Certified Systems Instructor. Several years ago I passed my CCSI exam and now I am CCSI #35056. I know the journey howto become a CCSI. The big question is, how do you get there ? During my 2 days of presenting and doing the lab, there was one attendee that failed on both topics ! Don’t think it’s easy. In the Netherlands there are about the same amount of CCIE  as CCSI persons. There is a reason that the CCSI isn’t way higher then the amount of CCIE’ers.


First of all you will have to pass CCNA. In the early days the instructors did have to pass at a higher rate. Nowadays passing is enough. This is the easy part. Now comes the challenge if you’re not working for a learning partner.

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Top 5 reasons Why Cisco UCS with NVMe.

Is the NVMe market growing ? According to IDC the NVME market is growing very fast in the next 3 years. SATA and SAS drives (Spinning disk and SSD) will be substantially less in the future. Why is it growing ? All hardware devices for storage relied on SCSI commands. These commands are processed sequential. … Read more

Really ? 37 minutes to install Cisco Hyperflex ?

Configuring the FI / UCS Manager

This week I went to a customer to install Hyperflex HX240 cluster with 4 nodes. Everything was already racked and stacked.

Hyperflex FI configuration
Hyperflex FI configuration

The first step is to configure the FI’s with ip addresses and a password. Just connect a console cable to the FI and your laptop. It’s easier to setup the FI-A and when the setup is finished then power on the FI-B. The procedure to setup a FI-B  is already described at : 





You should have the correct Firmware for the FI’s. Via the CLI or GUI you can upgrade the FI to the correct firmware. I prefer GUI although via CLI is also very easy. You can find the Dependencies int the Release Notes of Hyperflex

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Storage is Dead! Long live Storage.

We all need storage and we need a lot!

Back in the early days I started with WordPerfect 4.0 (1984). If you typed “Hello World!” it was about 80 bytes. If you now a days type “Hello World!” in Word 2016, it’s 12 Kb. This seems not much, but there is way more overhead in the file then 20+ years ago.

Files are getting bigger and bigger, 4K video is around the corner and we want to have data of every device we connect to the internet. Loads of Storage is also used for the visualized servers.
SAN, NAS are “old” technologies which a lot of companies are using for ages. Sometimes it can be complicated and that’s why there are “Storage Experts“.

Converged Infrastructure was the first step into a new direction. Compute, Network, Storage and hyper-visors have good adhesion between the vendors and most of the time it’s automated.

Hyper-convergence is not only a buzz-word since last year, it’s growing.

Here are 5 reasons to choose for a Hyper Converged Infrastructure :

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SIP & SCCP Phone flow CUCM

Here are some flows of a SIP & SCCP phone call. My purpose was to see is it really only digit-by-digit dialing even when the phone is on hook.


on-hook dialing : EnBloc

off-hook dialing : Digit by Digit


type B on-hook dialing no dial-rules : EnBloc

type B off-hook dialing no dial-rules : Digit by Digit with KPML event

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Callmanager Express CME Translation rules

Currently I am studying for the CCIE Collaboration written to re-certify my CCIE. It was a long time since I worked with the translation rules, so here’s some nice stuff with a load of rules. Basic cme translation rules : /123/ /456/ = replace 123 with 456 ^ = begins with $ = end of … Read more