Why A Facebook Page ?

Blogging is fun ! My personal words on the internet and anyone can read those. Twitter is a good medium to spread the word and there are other social media apps. But a lot of people still stick with facebook. To reach more friends and people I just created a Facebook Page, just for my … Read more

Hiking Boundary Peak, Nevada. 4007 meter

Don’t be afraid. Just prepare yourself and try it.  Why Hiking Boundary Peak ? In 2012 I made it to the summit of Boundary Peak. The highest peak in Nevada. But it wasn’t my intention to hike this peak. Why did I do it ? August 2012, just a few months after my divorce, I wanted … Read more

Hiking Rim to Rim (Grand Canyon)

Hiking with diabetes Who am I ? For a several years I got diabetes and the last 4 years I even got a insulin pump. Hiking is something I really learned in the neighborhood of Las Vegas, NV. I started with small hikes and in august 2016 I hiked the Grand Canyon from the North … Read more

It’s Time To Be Happy And Howto do it ?

When are you Happy ?

“You can’t buy happiness”

a lot of people said. Some science article prove otherwise. Personally I think when you got a little bit more money, you will be happier for a short period of time. For small items you can always safe. Like on this picture! It was sunny. I had some wine, nuts, bread and my hiking shoes. At that time I was very happy and I could enjoy everyting of it. This doesn’t mean I don’t want to win the lottery. 😉 Just give me tons of money and I will write a post if I was happy with it or not. 🙂

Items that can make you Happy
Items that can make you Happy

“As long as I am healthy, I am happy.”

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