Upgrade ESXi of a HyperFlex cluster via Intersight.

Via Intersight it is possible to install HyperFlex and HyperFlex Edge clusters very easy. Now you can also upgrade the ESXi Hypervisor of the HyperFlex cluster via Intersight. Upgrade Hypervisor Go to Intersight.com and select HyperFlex Clusters. You will see your HX Clusters and on the right you will see 3 dots. When you click … Read more

ESXi upgrade for Cisco HyperFlex

Every now and then there are some new versions of software. Not only for Cisco HyperFlex Data Platform, but also for ESXi. It’s not recommended to do an auto update of vmware, because Cisco HyperFlex is using their own ESXi image with pre installed vib’s. You can download the ESXi for HyperFlex at www.cisco.com/go/software and … Read more

Howto Move HyperFlex Cluster to New vCenter

It’s possible that you installed the HyperFlex cluster and register it to a vCenter server and now you want to move it to another vCenter server. There are serveral reasons to do this. During the installation of HyperFlex, everything is done by the installer. Hosts were added, plugin was loaded. But how can you easily … Read more

Convert VMWare .OVA to Hyper-V .VHD

On my laptop I am using Virtualbox often. It’s easy and quick. Sometimes you will have to convert a VMWare .ova file into a Hyper-V file. Now you can find a ton of application on the internet and some are working. Because I got already Virtualbox installed on my laptop, I am using this application. … Read more

Configure vCenter Appliance to use NTP

When I installed vCenter appliance in the lab, I didn’t use a NTP server. (I know… STOOPID !!!) So how can you configure it afterwards ? Login to the vCenter Appliance. timesync.get will give you what mode the appliance is in. ntp.server.add –servers <NTP Server> will add a NTP server timesync.set –mode NTP will set … Read more

Start Relaxing and let HX Profiler and Sizer do the Trick !

Do you have a hard time to discover your workload ? What are you running and what resources does it need from your VMWare environment. Stop counting manually ! Use Hyperflex Profiler and Sizer tool. Of course you can have a look at my HX Sizing tool or the official Cisco Hyper Sizer for Partners. … Read more

USB Drive as Datastore on ESXi 6.0

For my physical security I got a small PC with ESXi running on it. Now I needed more HDD space and I wanted to solve this with adding a USB drive to the PC for ESXi. Unfortunally I didn’t see it in the beginning as a datastore. But it’s possible ! Get the USB Drive … Read more

VMWare Error : System logs are stored on non-persistent storage

After installing ESXi on a SD-Card I received the error message : What is the solution for this issue ? First I got to see how the local datastore is called. This I am going to use to write the logging to. Goto Settings of the server. Click on advanced settings.   In Syslog.global.logDir you … Read more

Testing Cisco Hyperflex Auto Healing

Let’s break the Hyperflex system ! In the lab there is a 5 node Hyperflex cluster up and running. Everything is healthy and the system is almost for 60% filled, so that is closer to a real test then a lab test. There are several ways to break the cluster and I choose the easiest … Read more